Showing posts with label personal finance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal finance. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2012

Don’t Buy Gold!!!

    Why should we not buy gold? There are so many reasons not to buy gold. One of the first reasons is that gold does nothing, and it remains in the bank or in our locker. The only reason we are buying gold is that we are very sure that we can sell it to the higher price in future. In very recent article Warren Buffet said that the growing fear of loss and confidence in the market has motivated the practice of buying gold. Since the financial crisis of 2008, the gold prices have continued to climb. The lack of confidence in the global financial markets has let people to want something more concrete that cannot fail has placed gold into that place. As on June 2012 one kg of gold was about 41,525 Euros.

     Since the people hoped that future economic policies and the continued push for the progress will make gold as a profit buy. We don’t know when it will plunge. This is a risky game investing in gold. Globally the central banks of each of the county don’t want their people to invest in gold which openly displays how their people reject their paper money and hence they will act swiftly on day or the other. If the trend continues to be volatile then the governments will announce a very debilitating tax on this yellow metal to break the upward movement. If the gold market tend to monotonically increase then it will be good to the investments in stock markets. If the stock markets continue to fall then it will ensure a good appreciation in near future. Since the stock market is unpredictable when compared with the gold trend which followed a significant increase that lead to a bubble.

 Most of our readers aware that market is drive by the two namely fear and greed. Now we are in the middle of fear cycle. When it ends the cycle of greed starts immediately. If the gold bubble happens the gold price will fall and people will sell in bulk and they will forced to buy securities and therefore the stock’s price will increase. Hence it is ideal to buy gold as a small portion of our assets.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to Overcome Fear of Money?

How can we make more money or material ultimately succeed in life without fear? In truth it is a fear that we had me for a long time. In general, this fear of the money moves from childhood. In some families money is associated with the errors (s) and sometimes even some decline. I call this the power of beliefs. For a long time I understood the sentence incorrectly. I understood that money is money and no matter how it is obtained, the important thing to have. Given the values that are mine, I could obviously never adhere to such principle.

In truth this phrase simply means that money is a tool for change, change of life and / or change jobs no matter what! Money has no smell because it has neither quality nor default. It is neither good nor bad, it's what you do, A Food for orphans or weapons to Africa. Fear of money is the fear of success

Know this, money does not come without we mentally prepare for its arrival. What does "prepare for the arrival of the money? “ It simply means that if you do not know what you will do with the extra money you are asking then there is a good chance you unconsciously sabotage yourself. Fear of money, sometimes it's the fear of being happy. The question arises as unconscious as follows: And if my level of happiness does not increase with the level of my bank account?

This fear is real, it can really paralyze you in the quest for more money after all and if ever it were true? And if more money does not mean more happiness in the end it would mean there would be a much more important work to do but make more money. This work is called "return home". The real work is how to associate one or reasons that are considered "good" the fact of wanting more money in the end just do more or better the same reasons that we find good. Money becomes the means and purpose.

Unconsciously this amounts to allow himself to succeed. Financial worries seem less important and at the same time your bank account will show you the numbers you want to see. That's what I mean when I write sometimes see your world as it should be.