Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Best Advice to Get out of Your Debt
Number of people are facing debt, and for some it can turn into a nightmare. Although the debt can be a positive thing, it can also quickly mutate into vicious circle that will push you to develop a funding plan for all your purchases. So I would like to present my principles to get out of debt. Stop funding your purchases and stop keep accumulating new debt. Someone who is in debt should not continue to invest either in bank accounts at risk or in new or objects. An increase in the debt does not usually get out of your debt (at least not in the context of personal finances). If you have a credit card that allows you to have a negative balance, get rid of it and ask your bank to a card that does not allow negative balances.
Stop your recurring payments:
Your subscriptions for cable, mobile phones (especially phones last generation) and contributions to gym classes or others which weigh a lot in your monthly budget. I suggest you delete any subscription "useless" (type gym, cable or magazine) and try to reduce the burden of subscriptions called "essential" as the phone (internet package or unlimited time options are most can happen) or the Internet.
Build an emergency fund:
Unfortunately, being in debt does not mean you are immune to mishaps. At any time, an unexpected expense can come fill your budget dedicated to paying off your debt (step detailed in the following section) and you jeopardize your opposite banks, insurance companies and other creditors. Note that the process of creating an emergency fund can take several months.
Pay off your debts:
Like the previous, this step may take several months or even years depending on the amount of your debt. You must first establish a monthly repayment to spend. There is no fixed value for that amount and it all depends on the total value of your debt, your income and the time you have to make the repayment. The first step to begin the repayment of your debts begins by taking a second job. Although this option is not valid for everyone, I think especially to parents who keep their children, or some may be working too much to spend time on a second job. The fact is that this solution is very effective to increase substantially the share of your income devoted to paying off your debts. You will then need to establish a method to repay your debts. Some say that we must first repay debts that cost you the most in interest. Others think it is better to start with the smaller debts worth to get rid of them one by one and more quickly. I find this second solution most suitable for each canceled debt cancellation generates interest. So you can add to your monthly value of the interest on the debt previously canceled. Accumulated small amounts added to your monthly payment will allow you to increase significantly. Now you just have to start clearing your debt. The process can be long and difficult, but this task will dramatically change your outlook a financial point of view.
Friday, March 22, 2013
The Financial Rating Agencies
The rating agencies are responsible for assessing the risk of a borrower's credit worthiness, which may be a business, a state or a community at large. In other words, they size up the risk of a borrower not to repay its debt. Only financial criteria are taken into account in the scoring. There are around150 rating agencies are there in worldwide but the most important are a few more particularly Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch. They are in the lime light in the recent years due to the worldwide financial crisis. The scoring system, which is the statistical analysis, is more specific to each rating agency and they differ.
For example let us consider the following two agencies which were mentioned above, their possible scores are the best score to worst:
Standard and Poor's: AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB, B, CCC, CC, D
Moody's: Aaa, Aa, A, Baa, Ba, B, Caa, Ca, C
Generally, agencies add to their score the medium term may be positive, neutral or negative. Financial markets are very attentive to the ratings agencies. Thus, the rating given by rating agencies has a direct impact on the borrowing rates. AAA borrower can expect to get loans at very low rates (about 3% for the State), while a borrower rated poorly will have real difficulties in obtaining the same loan for higher rate of interest. These agencies have been criticized, especially about the role they played in the Greek crisis of 2010. The European Commission and European governments feel they have contributed to speculation on the financial markets. Evaluation methods of banks by the rating agencies have recently been questioned by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) after the rating downgrade of a large number of international banks and the lack of stability of their ratings.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Virtual banks
Virtual banks are increasingly popular among investors. Since they have combined more advantages than the regular banks, people are attracted towards it. Now a day we are hearing more positive news about them. As the name suggests, almost all their entire activities happens online. Having all their activities focused on the web platform their operating cost minimized. No need for branches and no need for high paying multiple advisory. Consequence of all these the money savings are passed on to the customers virtual banks. In banking industry, the bank charges are very high and they are charging for each withdrawal but this kind of charges can be avoided in the online banks.
cyber banking,
online banking,
online banks,
virtual bank
Friday, March 15, 2013
U.S. Probe of Gold Price Manipulation
The noose is tightening on manipulation of the price of gold and silver. According to some sources of the financial sector, U.S. regulators are investigating at the moment on possible price manipulation in the world biggest gold market. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC - Commission control and regulation of U.S. futures markets) examines closely the method of pricing in London. The Gold price is decided by few banks who meet twice a day to fix the 'spot' price of troy ounce of physical gold, according to some sources. The CFTC focuses on transparency factors including pricing for both the gold market.
No official investigation was opened according to sources. This study took place at a time when regulators are reconsidering larger scale criteria for financial references following a scandal involving the manipulation of interest rates. Three major banks have agreed to pay penalties totaling U.S. $ 2.5 billion following the alleged manipulation of the London interbank rate, or Libor practiced and where more than a dozen financial firms are still subject to investigation. Is the price of gold the most important market in the world was controlled by five banks? The gold price is fixed daily by a group of banks and plays an important role on the price of the jewelery industry. It determines the gains that will be going to the mining companies that are selling their raw materials to the refineries. This helps determine the value of derivatives whose prices are linked to metals. U.S. commercial banks had some $ 198 billion in contracts related to precious metals during the month of September 2012, according to sources from the Office of Currency Control (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency). CFTC's decision is alarming. The agency headed since 2009 by Gary Gensler, a former executive at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., has played a key role in the global survey of interest rates. Mr. Gensler has called for the analysis of the benchmarks that are subject to further reforms that would require them to be based on actual transactions rather than estimates submitted by industrial companies. Mr. Gensler is the co-chair of a working group of international regulators mechanism and in charge of examining these criteria and plans to publish a new set of guidelines in the spring.
"The thought that widespread manipulation or tampering (interest rates) can spread leads us to ask questions about the veracity of other key points," said Bart Chilton, CFTC Commissioner at a roundtable on February 26 in Washington on financial benchmarks. "What energy swaps, the fixing of the gold and silver in London and the whole litany of 'bors' referring to Libor, Euribor and many others. In the case Libor, are traders who have provided false data to the industry organization in charge of publishing the reference rate with the aim of creating more profitability. Barclays PLC, Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC and UBS AG have made regulations result in fines up to $ 1.2 billion, paid to the CFTC. CFTC leaders have said that if Libor drew their attention. The agency had previously reported a series of cases between 2003 and 2005 imposing sanctions on companies and contractors for trying to manipulate the price of natural gas by providing false information to companies responsible for energy rankings.
The CFTC began investigating following complaints received from a number of investors in the summer of 2008. These worried indeed the sudden decline in the price of silver. And this could be the result from a manipulation or market malpractice. The CFTC has never confirmed or denied the facts relating to the investigation. A spokesman for the CFTC did not want to speak on this subject. Controlling binding factors of the market prices of gold and silver has long been a source of debate. According to Kurt Pfäfflin, precious metals broker at Daniels Trading in Chicago said that this has always been in the minds of those who lingered on theories conspiracy. He says he does not believe in price manipulation 'spots'. Price-fixing, dating back to 1897 in the case of silver and 1919 in the case of gold, takes place through telephone conferences between banks.
Calls on gold held from 10.30 to 15 pm UK time. Calls related to money held at noon every day. Fixing the price of gold in London involves five banks: Barclays, Deutsche Bank AG, HSBC Holdings PLC, Bank of Nova Scotia and Society General SA. Pricing involves money Bank of Nova Scotia, Deutsche Bank and HSBC. Methods of price fixing are "based rather on the basis of supply and demand until a price is determined. This method is fully transparent. Nothing to do with the Libor "said a spokesman for the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), in charge of guidelines on the quality of gold and silver traded on the London market. It does not handle the money.
Financial Analysis
These thoughts are centered on financial analysis and the creation of value for a commercial or industrial enterprise. Financial analysis is a method of analyzing the financial health of a company based on accounting documents, schedules, forecasts and intangibles such as a factory visit or experience managers. The objective of financial analysis is to answer two questions that may vary depending on where we place ourselves.
Shareholders: Does the company within the scope of my investment strategy?
Creditors: If I lend money, will I get it?
Attention, everyone can be an investor or creditor! Buy shares makes you a shareholder, subscribe to bonds makes you creditor. However, you have to analyze the company whoever you may be! I strongly emphasize this point, since the financial environment changes over time, the safe products become risky and that deserve analysis. Even in times of euphoria, a financial analysis is essential because even the best company’s of euphoria can fail. From my point of view, what I could see between schools, banks, investors and entrepreneurs, financial analysis is often incomplete. It is not enough to look at whether a company has been profitable for the last 3 years by adding liquidity ratios, management, structure, or even credit for a complete analysis.
When a company makes a profit, we must always ask ourselves whether these profits can be converted into cash. It is only with cash that a company can repay its debt or pay its shareholders. Analysis of cash flow or cash flow-often forgotten-is an essential step in any financial analysis. A company may have an increase in its constant activity, an important benefit but have a severe shortage of cash. Most of the Americans investors know this and have invented one worship saying: Cash is king. While many start ups rely on equity funds that imply they lack the cash to finance their activity despite growth rates maddening.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Good and Bad credit!
Normally, if you are in debt, you are not rich. This is the fact. The intention here is precisely to have no debt and enough money aside to buy what you want. In looking more closely, there are basically two types of debt, good debt and bad, as there are good and bad cholesterol, good and bad stress etc. A bad debt is a loan you take out for something that does not earn you money: a loan for your car, your home, your plasma screen etc. Because these assets do not generate money and you need to repay your credit from your pocket.
Most of the Rich people who are well aware of credit traps pay cash for these things instead of getting a bad debt. A good debt, you'll understand a credit contracted for a asset that generate income for your investment. For example, if you pay the monthly installments on your house rented and you are receiving the rent paid by your tenant, or the loan you take out to start a company will be repaid from profits. You do not take money out of your pocket to pay for a good debt. However, there are exceptions in the case of bad debt.
When the rate of your credit is less than the rate of inflation, for example in the case of a zero-interest loan, it is better to credit. This is also the case when you put the money you were going to spend on your purchase that brings you more than the cost of credit that you will incur to complete this purchase. Now a day mortgage rates are low, you can benefited through that also.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
ANZ Share Trading
ANZ, company has been in operation for over 175 years with their headquarters in Melbourne, catering to 32 markets all over the globe with representatives in America, Australia, Asia, Europe, Middle East, New Zealand and Pacific. It first started its operation as Bank of Australasia in the year 1835 in Sydney and in 1838 in Melbourne and has been steadily growing in business. They are committed in building a lasting relationship with their customers, communities and shareholders, providing them with a range of banking and financial products and services. Users can start an ANZ Share Trading account using the online application which is easy and free to join. Once registered, the user can access E trade’s superior tool as well as in depth independent research with one of the best online trading services which offers a lot of opportunities to earn Qantas Frequent Flyer points while trading. Useful information and step by step instructions are provided at the site for the benefit of the user to enable them to set up an account and start an online trading activity.
Online trade services, an interactive internet based solution, enables the user to create, track and report any trade finance transaction. The electronic trade banking system helps individual to manage all online trade solutions from beginning to the end, thereby saving on paper and time besides the need to venture to the office or organization for the same. Moreover it is convenient since this activity can be performed from any location and at anytime by the individual having internet connection.. Besides this, real time updates on trade transactions with email notification is also available to the user. It also incorporates a security system which helps in protecting all trade information and utilizes the RSA tokens for two authentication factor. To protect the integrity of connection to ANZ sites, a firewall mechanism is used. 128 bit Secure Sockets Layer SSL encryption is used, to protect the log in session of the individual, with identity and access management controls to safeguard user’s account information. The user also has access to trade instruments which include trade finance loans, collections, letter of credit and international guarantees.
Increase Your Income By Investing A Little Time
The increase in income may go through several things: financial investments, overtime, promotion, etc. But you can also easily increase your income by investing a few hours a week and a bit of money upfront. The theory is simple: in addition to your work, you can invest a little of your time (approximately equivalent to 10% of the hours spent at work) to generate alternative income. Working for yourself is much nicer than having to work for others, and much more satisfying when you reap the benefits. Large cash flow is a little hard to get at first, but it may end up paying. The trick is to know, what to do to get more money. The most important choice is to take an activity that does not require too much time (not to exceed 5-10 hours per week).
If the chosen activity is done, it can increase your additional income to several thousand Euros per year very quickly. Personally, I strongly advise against trying to make money with online surveys or websites that offer reward systems, etc. You rarely touch the money in cash, sometimes rewards, and often the site in question may prove to be a scam which does not pay. We must not go after this type of site as Source (s) of alternative income. It is better to turn to other types of activities: gardening (many economies) blogging (paying little at first, but generates hundreds each month after 1 or 2 years of operation, and constantly rising), freelancing (choose something you can do and offer it as a service), etc.. Finally, it pays a lot more money doing something you like. It is not because you work better, but because you are more motivated to work.
I suggest you diversify your income with an activity related to your interests. Still, the lesson to be learned from this post is that it is not always enough to put money aside for retirement, sometimes we also know that money to work to your advantage. I also advise you to continue to set aside money for your retirement, but also increase your income by investing a little time and (very) little money. Your goals for retirement accumulated capital will be achieved much faster. Do you already have diversified sources of income of your own?
personal finance,
personal finance tips
Monday, March 11, 2013
The New York Stock Exchange Current Trend

Thursday, March 7, 2013
European Financial Stability Fund
The European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) commonly known as European Relief Fund is a mutual fund claims approved by the 27 Member States EU May 9, 2010, to preserve financial stability in Europe by providing financial assistance to states in the Euro area economic difficulty. The EFSF has its headquarters in Luxembourg. The European Investment Bank provides cash management services and administrative management in the framework of a service contract. Created May 9, 2010, the EFSF could not be intervening after having been ratified by 90% of Member States; this threshold has been reached on 4 August 2010.
The agreement was ratified by the three Member States (Belgium, Slovenia and Slovakia) in early December 2010. Following the summit of the Euro group of 11 March 2011 bringing together the leaders of the Euro area, an agreement was reached to increase the effective capacity of the EFSF intervention to 440 billion Euros, with an increase guarantees the states of the Euro area. Moreover, since the summit, the EFSF has the right to buy the primary debt, that is to say, newly issued, states. Thursday 21 July 2011, the European decided to expand the EFSF's role: it can now buy government bonds on the secondary market, participate in the rescue of troubled banks lend to States in a difficult situation. Its action is subject to the unanimous opinion of the participating countries and the European Central Bank.
These provisions do not come into effect after ratification by national parliaments. The first bonds of the European Financial Stability Facility were issued on 25 January 2011. The EFSF placed its first five-year bonds for an amount of 5 billion Euros in financial support joint EU / IMF to Ireland. Investor interest was exceptionally strong, with an order book of 44.5 billion Euros sales offers. If the EFSF has not been activated, it would end after three years, that is to say on 30 June 201 3. The Fund will exist until the last obligation has been fully repaid. Both funds will be replaced in 2013 by the European Stability Mechanism.
Oil Trading!
Oil is a raw material which is now become increasingly rare and therefore sought, and usually one of the most requested asset from traders and especially those who have chosen trading options: in fact, the oil and news often pair; one does not go without the other. Because oil is owned by a small handful of states producing together under the name OPEC, any event that happens in one of these states has a direct impact on the price of oil which then sees his current fluctuations through the world. The investment in oil drilling reached a record high in 2012, and the number of offshore projects got momentum. Meanwhile, the oil services industry regains its record levels of activity in 2009 in all segments: geophysics, drilling, offshore construction. United States, fracturing (used to exploit shale gas) focused $ 50 billion investment, or 20% of total drilling investments in the world.
This dynamism intensified competition strong among Chinese and Korean companies on these activities. In refining, the contrast is widening between Europe and the United States, where production capacity stagnated and Asia / Middle East which concentrate 80% of refinery projects. IFP expects a price of about $ 100 per barrel in 2013, after an average of $ 110 in 2012, but rising oil prices could resume in case of war with Iran or Syria. Oil Trading carries many benefits. More reports are available to traders to understand the market trends. These include among others, regular publications and the reports and forecasts of oil producing countries. In addition, this type of trading provides benefits up to 100%. Thus, this sector presents a great risk control.
It allows a diversification of investment returns. Finally, you can access many online brokers very easily. Investing in oil can be a good start in binary options. It does not necessarily have previous experience significant knowledge. However, to successfully accumulate profits, place heavy investment and long term. Oil trading is the fastest way to get gains. So it is up to you to make the appropriate choice for binary option bonus from the asset.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Why you should invest in Gold?
The Periodic Table of Commodity Returns in a user friendly format shows a decade of results across 14 different products. Last year, 11 products have increased in value with the wheat harvest in top of the list after experiencing quite a decline in 2011. Then later the following metals lead, zinc, natural gas and platinum entered the race for the rich. Their values have seriously increased in 2012, 2011 being the year of the falls. Only 3 products declined throughout year 2012: crude oil fell nearly 7% after an increase of 8% the year before. Nickel declined for the second consecutive year. In 2012, the metal has lost 9%, while in 2011 it had dropped to 24%.
Coal is the least performed product than all other products in 2012, falling by nearly 17%. It had a bad dead lately. In fact, this product has no known heyday for the last 5 years (although in 2010 the metal is Designed an increase of 31%). As we can see in the table, the products often suffer from significant price fluctuations from one year to another due to many factors affecting supply and demand as government policies, trade unions and strikes currency volatility. This is why when it comes to commodities and commodity producers, many investors decide to hand to portfolio managers who understand the industry products and global trends that may crack on each product.
For example, gold and mining companies: After investing in the gold industry for decades, we noticed several facts about gold continue to surprise investors. Here are few of the most recent developments: Gold has grown steadily for more than a decade. While the yellow metal has had its ups and downs in 2012, gold continues its course. It finished the year up 7%. It's been 12 years that gold is rising. The table shows the position of the other gold products every year. What is fascinating is especially the recurrence of this cyclical increase over three years compared to other products. This scheme would allow predicting that the year 2013 would be the springboard for a sharp rise. Gold should be a strong product in 2013.
It seems that the printing will continue to operate against the wishes of some central banks balance sheets. Gold will know good days of coming months. Let's take a look at the projected increase in the balance sheets: as% of GDP (GDP) of the ECB, the Bank of Japan, the Federal Reserve of the United States and the Bank of England in 2013. It is estimated that the ECB's balance sheet reaches almost 50% of GDP by the end of the year. The Bank of Japan is located just behind the ECB with a balance that is close to 35% of GDP. Can we rely on these assessments? If we take into account the reckless actions of central banks, it would be better to hold gold as paper. Interest rates do not go red, gold still keep its brilliant shine for another good year. Gold is the product which is less volatile in the table. This may be surprising but gold is the least volatile of the 14 products. The last 4 years have been better than we thought. Gold knows a good rise since 2009. 2013 should confirm this upward curve.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Why Gold and Silver is always a good investment?
In recent years Gold, considered as a safe haven, gradually changing status to states and savvy investors to regain its historic role as the reserve currency. This should lead many investors to make an investment vital for years to come.
End of 2011, a significant change in status of gold has very little was echoed in the mass media: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez demanded the return of the gold reserves of the South American country in the trunk strong national bank, its reserves are kept in the far western banks. At the time this request spent more provocation for Chavez to the west for a rise in the role of gold.
But in January 2013, Germany the first power of Euro zone country much more symbolic, has called for the gradual repatriation, by 2020, all its gold reserves stored in Paris (374 tones) and some of those stored in New York (300 tones).
End of 2012 the gold reserves of Germany amounted to 3391 tons, and accounted for almost 80% of foreign exchange reserves of the country. It is the second largest gold reserves in the world after the United States but to those of the International Monetary Fund (IMF - about 8,000 tones) and Italy (2,451 tons). France is in fifth position, with 2435 tons. The Euro zone crisis has led the German public, inspired by some conservative politicians to worry about the national stock of gold. The German equivalent of the Court of Auditors asked last October to establish an inventory of the gold stock of the country.
Euro skeptic politicians have publicly questioned the extent of German reserves abroad, asking for their repatriation. Germany justified the repatriation of reserves by the lack of possibility of change, but it clearly demonstrates that the national gold reserves are again a strategic issue. This decision may be treated as a major event (compare Gaulle's decision in the late 60s that had ended the Bretton Woods system) which foreshadows the return of the gold standard. Countries have clearly lost confidence in the central banks (New York Fed and Bank of England), supposed to hold physical gold on behalf of many states. The gold is perhaps more simply as GATA says, lent to banks and sold on the market to keep prices under pressure. Thus, they save more time confidence in the monetary system of silver "paper" not convertible.
In addition, the market for paper gold, would be a hundred times larger than the physical market. The day that investors will obtain delivery of their gold-backed paper that there will not be enough physical gold to satisfy demands. Gold is a material present in limited quantities in the world and its scarcity intensifies over time. Repatriating its gold, Germany eliminates counterparty risk and ensures really hold physical gold and not pieces of worthless paper.
With these repatriations that give us a strong signal of progress towards the degradation of confidence in currencies, families should reconsider the amount of gold and silver to possess. Gold is money. Its role is to safeguard the wealth. Especially the yellow metal still beautiful day ahead when we know that less than 1% of financial assets in the world, destroying every argument bubble in gold. At the same time, monetary impressions launched by the Fed and the ECB devalue paper currencies and does not restart the economy. Gold (and silver) continue to reflect the destruction of paper money. It is not gold rising; the dollar, the euro and the pound sterling fall and this may continue. These safe havens are not diluted by central banks.
Silver is also a precious metal and historical ratio gold / silver is 16. That is to say that every gold coin you possess worth 16 pieces of silver. Today this ratio is greater than 50. Thus, investing in silver metal should be more profitable in the long term, provided they are patient and mentally strong to withstand fluctuations in its price. To eliminate the risk of counterparties must hold his gold outside the banking system, directly in physical gold. I advise to hold a small portion of its assets in precious metals, in order to keep this future security. Money that we do not need a long-term horizon may be invested in it. Invest around 10% of your assets in gold and stumbling sounding reassured, but for the rest
I prefer you to invest in developing your income. Precious metals have this defect, they produce nothing. Besides this, you can buy stock of assets, real estate, which in turn will generate regular income.
End of 2012 the gold reserves of Germany amounted to 3391 tons, and accounted for almost 80% of foreign exchange reserves of the country. It is the second largest gold reserves in the world after the United States but to those of the International Monetary Fund (IMF - about 8,000 tones) and Italy (2,451 tons). France is in fifth position, with 2435 tons. The Euro zone crisis has led the German public, inspired by some conservative politicians to worry about the national stock of gold. The German equivalent of the Court of Auditors asked last October to establish an inventory of the gold stock of the country.
Euro skeptic politicians have publicly questioned the extent of German reserves abroad, asking for their repatriation. Germany justified the repatriation of reserves by the lack of possibility of change, but it clearly demonstrates that the national gold reserves are again a strategic issue. This decision may be treated as a major event (compare Gaulle's decision in the late 60s that had ended the Bretton Woods system) which foreshadows the return of the gold standard. Countries have clearly lost confidence in the central banks (New York Fed and Bank of England), supposed to hold physical gold on behalf of many states. The gold is perhaps more simply as GATA says, lent to banks and sold on the market to keep prices under pressure. Thus, they save more time confidence in the monetary system of silver "paper" not convertible.
In addition, the market for paper gold, would be a hundred times larger than the physical market. The day that investors will obtain delivery of their gold-backed paper that there will not be enough physical gold to satisfy demands. Gold is a material present in limited quantities in the world and its scarcity intensifies over time. Repatriating its gold, Germany eliminates counterparty risk and ensures really hold physical gold and not pieces of worthless paper.
With these repatriations that give us a strong signal of progress towards the degradation of confidence in currencies, families should reconsider the amount of gold and silver to possess. Gold is money. Its role is to safeguard the wealth. Especially the yellow metal still beautiful day ahead when we know that less than 1% of financial assets in the world, destroying every argument bubble in gold. At the same time, monetary impressions launched by the Fed and the ECB devalue paper currencies and does not restart the economy. Gold (and silver) continue to reflect the destruction of paper money. It is not gold rising; the dollar, the euro and the pound sterling fall and this may continue. These safe havens are not diluted by central banks.
Silver is also a precious metal and historical ratio gold / silver is 16. That is to say that every gold coin you possess worth 16 pieces of silver. Today this ratio is greater than 50. Thus, investing in silver metal should be more profitable in the long term, provided they are patient and mentally strong to withstand fluctuations in its price. To eliminate the risk of counterparties must hold his gold outside the banking system, directly in physical gold. I advise to hold a small portion of its assets in precious metals, in order to keep this future security. Money that we do not need a long-term horizon may be invested in it. Invest around 10% of your assets in gold and stumbling sounding reassured, but for the rest
I prefer you to invest in developing your income. Precious metals have this defect, they produce nothing. Besides this, you can buy stock of assets, real estate, which in turn will generate regular income.
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