Want to be a millionaire? Who is having his money well placed and with which, if he can easily ensure the financial independence, then he can become millionaire easily. Becoming a millionaire is not as hard as some people think and it does not necessarily to earn five or six digits to get there.
First and foremost one to be a millionaire is, you have to acquire a good financial education and build up some personal qualities such as interest, curiosity, perseverance, love to meet the challenge etc. Most of the millionaires have the excellent investing knowledge with action back up. Most of them read read read read..... a lot. Invest and Read books on personal finance that will make you to win thousand times of your profitable investment in books. The more you earn the more likely you will become a millionaire. However you should know the importance of spending less than you earn. Since you are in consumer society you should know the differentiate between your needs and your desires then only you can save more by eliminating unwanted expenses there by your savings will be more. Leading a simple life with fulfilling your only basic needs pave way for your millionaire dream. Never allow your bank account to dry. Minimize your debts and give first priority to repay them.
If you are to be a millionaire then you must work with your money. To achieve this every month you automatically convert minimum 10% of your income in to your savings. Preferably invest in shares of the growing companies that offer regular dividends that fill your pocket with passive interest. Diversify your investment strategies so that you will not be affected by the stock market fluctuations. Never forget to build a capital security to cope with the unexpected happenings. Finally keep it in mind; the millionaire has a plan and stick to it very firmly with a self disciplined manner. Unfortunately wealth in a quick time does not exist. With respect to your income you always open the opportunities for diversification. If you are earning more means you can invest more and that will create a snow ball effect on all your investments to generate even more.
Spend less, earn more, save, invest these are the key and the strict rule to follow. Repeat this method as many time as possible.
Last but not the least: Take action and be persistent in your work plan.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Sovereign Wealth Funds And Global Finance
Since the early 2000s, SWFs from emerging countries like Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, China have stopped communicating with the financial sector and the general public with the aim to build an good image among investor and be reliable.
Indeed, their rise was alternately seen as a form of threat to the national sovereignty of the host country, due to the lack of transparency and their alleged ambitions to invest in strategic sectors, and as a favorable element international financial stability and an important financing industrialized economies. In total, a consensus seemed to exist to recognize the positive role of these funds.
Until recently when an unexpected event came to trouble: the fund of Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) has withdrawn capital Barclays Bank selling on June 2 about 11% of the capital of the 16.3% stake. This operation was a surprising, since it was only made seven months before and the fund became the largest shareholder of the British bank, has allowed him to realize a profit of 1.7 billion Euros. At the same time, the action Barclays lost up to 16% during the session. Trying to get some height and to understand the implication of this new element of sovereign wealth funds and global finance as a whole. Few years back. Before the start of the subprime crisis, SWFs have managed to forge an image of stable investors, favoring a long-term horizon and supports conventional investments such as stocks, bonds or hybrid (i.e. convertible bonds). They also seemed to have no requirement to return excess capital.
Traditionally, they carefully avoided all equity investors and majority remained "passive", i.e. the investor not claiming a seat on the board and do not exercise their voting rights. Their public mandate was simply to pay the financial markets of resources from surplus reserves of oil and gas revenues, and even fiscal surpluses. Their assets under management in 2007 were estimated at more than 3000 billion, which are double the financial assets held by hedge funds or hedge funds. The combination of this long-term horizon, these financial ambitions measured, and the passivity of this important financial capacity tended to SWFs investors 'ideal' for the proper functioning of the financial sector. With the onset of the financial crisis, SWFs action took on a new dimension. Their stakes in Western banks have been hailed as rescue actions the global financial system, allowing some observers assert that "sovereign wealth funds play a fundamentally stabilizer in the international financial system and this fact is clearly verified in the current liquidity crisis ".
In total, between summer 2007 and end of 2008, the amount of equity in banks was about a hundred billion. For comparison, the amounts incurred by SWFs in Western financial institutions were valued at about two billion dollars in 2006. It was so relevant and legitimate to ask whether these new commitments, which differed widely patterns found previously, were more an expression of opportunistic strategies that will contribute to saving the international banking system. The episode Barclays has given a strong argument to critics of SWFs. Should this mean to generalize and draw a vitriolic portrait of all these funds, whatever they are? It is simply to make the obvious, funds, sovereign or not, is first of all investors. And like many traditional investors in times of crisis, some have high risks in search of high returns in the short term. Note, however, that the investments of SWFs, like the pronouncements of Warren Buffet or Albert Frère, are perceived as a buy signal from the other operators on the market, automatically assigning goodwill significant target values. By these new practices, SWFs could encourage other players in the market looking for a short-term profitability to do the same and thus unwittingly contribute to the volatility of stock prices.
Since the early 2000s, SWFs from emerging countries like Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, China have stopped communicating with the financial sector and the general public with the aim to build an good image among investor and be reliable.
Indeed, their rise was alternately seen as a form of threat to the national sovereignty of the host country, due to the lack of transparency and their alleged ambitions to invest in strategic sectors, and as a favorable element international financial stability and an important financing industrialized economies. In total, a consensus seemed to exist to recognize the positive role of these funds ... Until recently when an unexpected event came to trouble: the fund of Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) has withdrawn capital Barclays Bank selling on June 2 about 11% of the capital of the 16.3% stake. This operation was a surprising, since it was only made seven months before and the fund became the largest shareholder of the British bank, has allowed him to realize a profit of 1.7 billion Euros. At the same time, the action Barclays lost up to 16% during the session. Trying to get some height and to understand the implication of this new element of sovereign wealth funds and global finance as a whole.
Few years back. Before the start of the subprime crisis, SWFs have managed to forge an image of stable investors, favoring a long-term horizon and supports conventional investments such as stocks, bonds or hybrid (i.e. convertible bonds). They also seemed to have no requirement to return excess capital. Traditionally, they carefully avoided all equity investors and majority remained "passive", i.e. the investor not claiming a seat on the board and do not exercise their voting rights. Their public mandate was simply to pay the financial markets of resources from surplus reserves of oil and gas revenues, and even fiscal surpluses. Their assets under management in 2007 were estimated at more than 3000 billion, which are double the financial assets held by hedge funds or hedge funds. The combination of this long-term horizon, these financial ambitions measured, and the passivity of this important financial capacity tended to SWFs investors 'ideal' for the proper functioning of the financial sector.
With the onset of the financial crisis, SWFs action took on a new dimension. Their stakes in Western banks have been hailed as rescue actions the global financial system, allowing some observers assert that "sovereign wealth funds play a fundamentally stabilizer in the international financial system and this fact is clearly verified in the current liquidity crisis ". In total, between summer 2007 and end of 2008, the amount of equity in banks was about a hundred billion. For comparison, the amounts incurred by SWFs in Western financial institutions were valued at about two billion dollars in 2006.
It was so relevant and legitimate to ask whether these new commitments, which differed widely patterns found previously, were more an expression of opportunistic strategies that will contribute to saving the international banking system.
The episode Barclays has given a strong argument to critics of SWFs. Should this mean to generalize and draw a vitriolic portrait of all these funds, whatever they are? It is simply to make the obvious, funds, sovereign or not, is first of all investors. And like many traditional investors in times of crisis, some have high risks in search of high returns in the short term.
Note, however, that the investments of SWFs, like the pronouncements of Warren Buffet or Albert Frère, are perceived as a buy signal from the other operators on the market, automatically assigning goodwill significant target values. By these new practices, SWFs could encourage other players in the market looking for a short-term profitability to do the same and thus unwittingly contribute to the volatility of stock prices.
Until recently when an unexpected event came to trouble: the fund of Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) has withdrawn capital Barclays Bank selling on June 2 about 11% of the capital of the 16.3% stake. This operation was a surprising, since it was only made seven months before and the fund became the largest shareholder of the British bank, has allowed him to realize a profit of 1.7 billion Euros. At the same time, the action Barclays lost up to 16% during the session. Trying to get some height and to understand the implication of this new element of sovereign wealth funds and global finance as a whole. Few years back. Before the start of the subprime crisis, SWFs have managed to forge an image of stable investors, favoring a long-term horizon and supports conventional investments such as stocks, bonds or hybrid (i.e. convertible bonds). They also seemed to have no requirement to return excess capital.
Traditionally, they carefully avoided all equity investors and majority remained "passive", i.e. the investor not claiming a seat on the board and do not exercise their voting rights. Their public mandate was simply to pay the financial markets of resources from surplus reserves of oil and gas revenues, and even fiscal surpluses. Their assets under management in 2007 were estimated at more than 3000 billion, which are double the financial assets held by hedge funds or hedge funds. The combination of this long-term horizon, these financial ambitions measured, and the passivity of this important financial capacity tended to SWFs investors 'ideal' for the proper functioning of the financial sector. With the onset of the financial crisis, SWFs action took on a new dimension. Their stakes in Western banks have been hailed as rescue actions the global financial system, allowing some observers assert that "sovereign wealth funds play a fundamentally stabilizer in the international financial system and this fact is clearly verified in the current liquidity crisis ".
In total, between summer 2007 and end of 2008, the amount of equity in banks was about a hundred billion. For comparison, the amounts incurred by SWFs in Western financial institutions were valued at about two billion dollars in 2006. It was so relevant and legitimate to ask whether these new commitments, which differed widely patterns found previously, were more an expression of opportunistic strategies that will contribute to saving the international banking system. The episode Barclays has given a strong argument to critics of SWFs. Should this mean to generalize and draw a vitriolic portrait of all these funds, whatever they are? It is simply to make the obvious, funds, sovereign or not, is first of all investors. And like many traditional investors in times of crisis, some have high risks in search of high returns in the short term. Note, however, that the investments of SWFs, like the pronouncements of Warren Buffet or Albert Frère, are perceived as a buy signal from the other operators on the market, automatically assigning goodwill significant target values. By these new practices, SWFs could encourage other players in the market looking for a short-term profitability to do the same and thus unwittingly contribute to the volatility of stock prices.
Since the early 2000s, SWFs from emerging countries like Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, China have stopped communicating with the financial sector and the general public with the aim to build an good image among investor and be reliable.
Indeed, their rise was alternately seen as a form of threat to the national sovereignty of the host country, due to the lack of transparency and their alleged ambitions to invest in strategic sectors, and as a favorable element international financial stability and an important financing industrialized economies. In total, a consensus seemed to exist to recognize the positive role of these funds ... Until recently when an unexpected event came to trouble: the fund of Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) has withdrawn capital Barclays Bank selling on June 2 about 11% of the capital of the 16.3% stake. This operation was a surprising, since it was only made seven months before and the fund became the largest shareholder of the British bank, has allowed him to realize a profit of 1.7 billion Euros. At the same time, the action Barclays lost up to 16% during the session. Trying to get some height and to understand the implication of this new element of sovereign wealth funds and global finance as a whole.
Few years back. Before the start of the subprime crisis, SWFs have managed to forge an image of stable investors, favoring a long-term horizon and supports conventional investments such as stocks, bonds or hybrid (i.e. convertible bonds). They also seemed to have no requirement to return excess capital. Traditionally, they carefully avoided all equity investors and majority remained "passive", i.e. the investor not claiming a seat on the board and do not exercise their voting rights. Their public mandate was simply to pay the financial markets of resources from surplus reserves of oil and gas revenues, and even fiscal surpluses. Their assets under management in 2007 were estimated at more than 3000 billion, which are double the financial assets held by hedge funds or hedge funds. The combination of this long-term horizon, these financial ambitions measured, and the passivity of this important financial capacity tended to SWFs investors 'ideal' for the proper functioning of the financial sector.
With the onset of the financial crisis, SWFs action took on a new dimension. Their stakes in Western banks have been hailed as rescue actions the global financial system, allowing some observers assert that "sovereign wealth funds play a fundamentally stabilizer in the international financial system and this fact is clearly verified in the current liquidity crisis ". In total, between summer 2007 and end of 2008, the amount of equity in banks was about a hundred billion. For comparison, the amounts incurred by SWFs in Western financial institutions were valued at about two billion dollars in 2006.
It was so relevant and legitimate to ask whether these new commitments, which differed widely patterns found previously, were more an expression of opportunistic strategies that will contribute to saving the international banking system.
The episode Barclays has given a strong argument to critics of SWFs. Should this mean to generalize and draw a vitriolic portrait of all these funds, whatever they are? It is simply to make the obvious, funds, sovereign or not, is first of all investors. And like many traditional investors in times of crisis, some have high risks in search of high returns in the short term.
Note, however, that the investments of SWFs, like the pronouncements of Warren Buffet or Albert Frère, are perceived as a buy signal from the other operators on the market, automatically assigning goodwill significant target values. By these new practices, SWFs could encourage other players in the market looking for a short-term profitability to do the same and thus unwittingly contribute to the volatility of stock prices.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Know The Basics of Forex Trading Part.II
There are three types of investors in the forex:
The first kind is of International companies, which protect against the variation in the currency that could affect their financial stability.
I wish to site one example for it: Let us imagine French wine producer exports bottles of wines worth 100 Euros of each to the US retailer. Assume at the time of delivery of the wine 100 Euros are worth 130 US dollars. There for this is the price the US retailer is going to offer for each bottle of wine. At the end of the sale the retailer pays the money in dollars but the producer is in need of Euros. Therefore the dollars has to be converted into Euros. Let us compare if 130$ is equal to 100Euros and 130$ is equal to 80 Euros. For the second one the French producer has made a very bad deal and to safeguard the exporter against this risk, it has to pay a premium and purchase an option contract changes on financial markets. And it gets the right payment at the rate agreed at the time of contract so that the producer will get 100 Euros against 130 $.
Banks are the second category of investors. They will carry out speculative or hedging.
Using the example above, the bank will cover the French producer by selling an option contract currency and pocket the premium paid. It can therefore gain or lose (if the Euro / Dollar has depreciated, that is to say, if my $ 130 is worth more than 80 Euros for example then the bank will have to pay 20 Euros per bottle producer from its pocket.
The last one is the individuals who for more than a decade are actively involving in the Forex trading. You can see lot of online sites and brokers offer small investors an opportunity to access this market. To get involved through them you have to invest a minimum amount which is reasonable and a computer with fast internet connection and they provide you online assistance and training to get started.
Main advantage of this market is its timing. This large amplitude of schedule allows the small investors to carry out their transaction at any time at their convenient even at the odd hours of the night. The Forex trading is easy to monitor since they are generally conducted on few major currencies like Japanese Yen, The US dollars, Swiss franc, The Euro and the British Pounds. However there are few more currencies that can be negotiated. The high liquidity of the market allows a large volume of transactions. The forex can be invested as derivatives as CFD through leverage can lift 400 times of the cash invested by the investor. Be careful with CFD investments because losses may also result from such large leverage which may even exceed your initial deposit. Therefore much care must be taken in this type of investment. Another very important one is the transaction costs. Transaction costs are much lesser than any other markets.
The first kind is of International companies, which protect against the variation in the currency that could affect their financial stability.
I wish to site one example for it: Let us imagine French wine producer exports bottles of wines worth 100 Euros of each to the US retailer. Assume at the time of delivery of the wine 100 Euros are worth 130 US dollars. There for this is the price the US retailer is going to offer for each bottle of wine. At the end of the sale the retailer pays the money in dollars but the producer is in need of Euros. Therefore the dollars has to be converted into Euros. Let us compare if 130$ is equal to 100Euros and 130$ is equal to 80 Euros. For the second one the French producer has made a very bad deal and to safeguard the exporter against this risk, it has to pay a premium and purchase an option contract changes on financial markets. And it gets the right payment at the rate agreed at the time of contract so that the producer will get 100 Euros against 130 $.
Banks are the second category of investors. They will carry out speculative or hedging.
Using the example above, the bank will cover the French producer by selling an option contract currency and pocket the premium paid. It can therefore gain or lose (if the Euro / Dollar has depreciated, that is to say, if my $ 130 is worth more than 80 Euros for example then the bank will have to pay 20 Euros per bottle producer from its pocket.
The last one is the individuals who for more than a decade are actively involving in the Forex trading. You can see lot of online sites and brokers offer small investors an opportunity to access this market. To get involved through them you have to invest a minimum amount which is reasonable and a computer with fast internet connection and they provide you online assistance and training to get started.
Forex trading,
know forex trading,
market trading
Monday, December 3, 2012
Know The Basics of Forex Trading Part.I
Forex is the short form of “Foreign Exchange” currency market. Forex is the second largest financial market in the world by of transactions apart from interest rate. Most of us hear a lot about Forex but it remains unclear to many hence I am trying to make them understand about it in this article and I am trying to portray the Forex trading and operations in a simplified manner.
Forex is the financial market where currencies are exchanged at exchange at variable rates. The investor can simultaneously buy one currency and selling the other.
Most often, the exchange rate of one currency is in relation to other is due to the financial or economic conditions of the both countries and the Recent announcements of the countries relative to another. Specifically, investors are betting on a currency if a country or region has a high growth rate for example, or if the interest rates set by central banks are high. This is logical because these two scenarios are indicators of economic health of the country or region.
If the demand for a particular currency is more then it appreciates more in the market. The interest for a particular currency among the investors are have several reasons, typically the investor wants to preserve their capital (For example, the investor sell dollar and buy the Swiss franc which is a stable currency) and or to make a profit by selling foreign exchange (by selling the currency, which appreciates over time).
In the same vein, when a currency is sold massively, it depreciates. Besides, we can cite a happening in September 1992the genius of George Soros, who sold short for 10 billion pounds. This striking force has forced the Bank of England to devalue the pound by about 15%. Thus, George Soros was able to buy sterling at a lower price (earned1.1 billion profits). It has been known as the man who broke the Bank of England.
Unlike other markets, Forex operates 24 hours on all five days per week (from Sunday evening to Friday evening) in order to cover all time zones. Transactions are not made in a physical exchange, but virtually all transactions are made electronically.
Forex is the financial market where currencies are exchanged at exchange at variable rates. The investor can simultaneously buy one currency and selling the other.
Most often, the exchange rate of one currency is in relation to other is due to the financial or economic conditions of the both countries and the Recent announcements of the countries relative to another. Specifically, investors are betting on a currency if a country or region has a high growth rate for example, or if the interest rates set by central banks are high. This is logical because these two scenarios are indicators of economic health of the country or region.
If the demand for a particular currency is more then it appreciates more in the market. The interest for a particular currency among the investors are have several reasons, typically the investor wants to preserve their capital (For example, the investor sell dollar and buy the Swiss franc which is a stable currency) and or to make a profit by selling foreign exchange (by selling the currency, which appreciates over time).
In the same vein, when a currency is sold massively, it depreciates. Besides, we can cite a happening in September 1992the genius of George Soros, who sold short for 10 billion pounds. This striking force has forced the Bank of England to devalue the pound by about 15%. Thus, George Soros was able to buy sterling at a lower price (earned1.1 billion profits). It has been known as the man who broke the Bank of England.
Forex trading,
know forex trading,
market trading
Friday, November 30, 2012
Rules to follow before investing high dividends stocks
Buying stocks with high dividends is very much important for a long term benefit. A dividend is a share of the profits that the company pays to its shareholders. Our goal is to gradually build a portfolio of stocks with high dividends with a good performance for us. So, I do not position to seek a gain in the short term but to generate regular dividends over the long term.
Why should we focus on this particular investment strategy? The reason behind this strategy is to make passive income each year, a yield higher than 3% of life insurance ... and enjoy the low cost of current actions. Selection of companies is paramount! You have to follow certain conditions that I validate whether they are eligible:
Check whether dividends were paid for several years without interruption:
This is the first and foremost criterion to verify. The payment of dividends is much important usually it is decided one year prior. Therefore ensure that they were paid on a regular basis for many years.
Check for whether the dividends are growing:
The initial dividend is of course interesting, but its growth is even more interesting for us. In the long term, an action that has a yield of 3%, which increases each year by 10%, will quickly defeat an action that has a fixed return of 6%. This is the power of growing dividends, like compound interest, every year they bring back more passive income.
Analyze the financial data of the company:
Some questions should be ask about financial data of recent years: Is the revenue increases ?,If the profits increase, does especially where they come from? To find out, it is important to calculate the net operating income is the prime indicator to consider. Operating income takes into account the income and expenses related to the operation of the business while taking into account net financial expenses, financial income and extraordinary.
For Example: if a company has a negative operating result and has a net positive, then it should be understood that the latter is obtained by the sale of an asset, for example a machine (exceptional items) or financial income (financial). The interest is whether the company can generate long-term benefits of its exploitation (healthy society) rather than non-recurring activities (sale of assets, financial products ...). Finally, it is worth checking the debt of the company. Too high debt will mean that a significant portion of the profits will be used to repay creditors. The remaining profit will perhaps not sufficient to ensure the payment of dividends.
The dividend payout ratio should not be too high:
This ratio is calculated as follows, total dividends divided by net income. It should not be too high for the company retains a portion of the profits to invest. The remaining investment capacity will enable its development. Ideally this ratio should be less than 50%, however in practice if it remains below 100%, while investment capacity remains available.
Choose future business and diversify its portfolio:
The important part of this step is always to target the long term. What are the growth sectors? Health, food, energy ... All that we cannot do without and which constitutes basic needs. We should not put all your eggs in one basket so diversification in these areas is needed. Once all these steps validated you can be confident in your savings plan and collect your dividends every year! I would try to make a selection of companies in a future article soon.
I hope these tips will serve you, tell me what you think of this approach in the comments.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
College students Learn How To Put Your Finance In Order!
Are you a student going to college and who wants to get good knowledge and skills that will endorse you to have a good job at the end of your studies? Then this is the post meant for you. Put your studies apart for the time being and get some personal finance education here which wills surely going to help you particularly after your higher education.
Other than European countries, every student is assisted by their parents by paying their room rent, college fees, food expenses and other miscellaneous expenses during their college days and the students learn nothing about managing their personal finances. There may be some exceptions, those who are working part time and study. At the end of the college days they enter into the world of work with full confidence and enthusiasm but without the right knowledge and right tool to manage their personal finance. Here are few tips to set right your personal finance in order. First and foremost one is making your budget. Make a budget for a year or a month and then break it up into smaller period of your convenience say weeks. Spare your good time for making an inventory of your expenses and revenues. If you are already having bank account, then open another bank account. The first account is for your financial reserve such as for receiving money from your parents, savings and contingency funds etc. Second one is for your expenses you can schedule your automatic payments of your regular payments. Keep the money in the second account to meet the minimum requirements of your expenses and don’t keep more. You have to invest and read personal finance books they may cost little but they will give you high returns in your future. This should be the first expense of your planning the future. With the guidance of those books plan different strategies and implement.
Now this is the time to set your goals. According to the recent study by Harvard University, three percent of the people who set goals themselves and constantly working towards it has created ten times more wealth than the remaining ninety seven percent of the people. Hence plan and set your goals first. Keep yourself surrounded by right kind of successful people to understand the facts. Use the knowledge of others; be curious and attentive to know the success stories and experience of them. This knowledge will serve as a spring board that takes you near the success. Don’t hesitate to ask them directly the right information you needed for your success. The wealth is only attainable only through following strong financial principles. It requires commitment, willingness and persistence spend less than the earnings. But for the most of the people it is hard to follow. Spend less than you earn and invest that margin to generate alternative income and that marginal income will make your financial liabilities into financial independence. Here your financial education helps you to identify very smart and ideal investment that benefits us most. I assure you with rigor and perseverance you can achieve anything under the sky.
Other than European countries, every student is assisted by their parents by paying their room rent, college fees, food expenses and other miscellaneous expenses during their college days and the students learn nothing about managing their personal finances. There may be some exceptions, those who are working part time and study. At the end of the college days they enter into the world of work with full confidence and enthusiasm but without the right knowledge and right tool to manage their personal finance. Here are few tips to set right your personal finance in order. First and foremost one is making your budget. Make a budget for a year or a month and then break it up into smaller period of your convenience say weeks. Spare your good time for making an inventory of your expenses and revenues. If you are already having bank account, then open another bank account. The first account is for your financial reserve such as for receiving money from your parents, savings and contingency funds etc. Second one is for your expenses you can schedule your automatic payments of your regular payments. Keep the money in the second account to meet the minimum requirements of your expenses and don’t keep more. You have to invest and read personal finance books they may cost little but they will give you high returns in your future. This should be the first expense of your planning the future. With the guidance of those books plan different strategies and implement.
Now this is the time to set your goals. According to the recent study by Harvard University, three percent of the people who set goals themselves and constantly working towards it has created ten times more wealth than the remaining ninety seven percent of the people. Hence plan and set your goals first. Keep yourself surrounded by right kind of successful people to understand the facts. Use the knowledge of others; be curious and attentive to know the success stories and experience of them. This knowledge will serve as a spring board that takes you near the success. Don’t hesitate to ask them directly the right information you needed for your success. The wealth is only attainable only through following strong financial principles. It requires commitment, willingness and persistence spend less than the earnings. But for the most of the people it is hard to follow. Spend less than you earn and invest that margin to generate alternative income and that marginal income will make your financial liabilities into financial independence. Here your financial education helps you to identify very smart and ideal investment that benefits us most. I assure you with rigor and perseverance you can achieve anything under the sky.
Monday, November 26, 2012
A Better Tips For Buying Gold Part.II
The purchase of the paper gold reflects the evolution of gold without the actual possession of it. It is the best alternative between the buying physical gold and buying gold stocks. This is the convenient way to buy and sell gold by bypassing the unnecessary taxation. The purchase is very simple and it is similar that of buying a share and you can buy in volumes. In addition in case of insolvency of the issuer, the investor is compensated in gold.
Now you may ask the question what will be the trend of gold in coming months?
Before making any investment we have to see the technical analysis of the particular product. Technical analysis is the study of graphs of financial products and various indicators derived in order to anticipate the market trend in the near future. In September 2011 the gold touched its record to the high of $1921. Before investing you have to judge the long term trend and short term trend. Sometimes the long term trend may bullish where as the short term trend may be neutral or bearish. Hence we have to plan according to the signal of our technical indicator. If the signal is not clear don’t venture into it and wait for the clear signal so that we can follow a foolproof risk management for a success.
Last but not the least the physical gold has the following advantages. It is the only asset which provide as a safe haven against both inflation and deflation. Unlike other investments it is not affected by the political and social events and it is the only reliable source when major economic crisis occurs. If you are a materialistic and pessimist then you go for the physical gold. If you are a conservative and optimistic then go for the gold securities with the self time varying from several months to several years according to the signals of your technical analysis and that of your plan. I hope I have explained perfectly the rules and it is quite simple, effective and applicable to every individual.
Now you may ask the question what will be the trend of gold in coming months?
Before making any investment we have to see the technical analysis of the particular product. Technical analysis is the study of graphs of financial products and various indicators derived in order to anticipate the market trend in the near future. In September 2011 the gold touched its record to the high of $1921. Before investing you have to judge the long term trend and short term trend. Sometimes the long term trend may bullish where as the short term trend may be neutral or bearish. Hence we have to plan according to the signal of our technical indicator. If the signal is not clear don’t venture into it and wait for the clear signal so that we can follow a foolproof risk management for a success.
Last but not the least the physical gold has the following advantages. It is the only asset which provide as a safe haven against both inflation and deflation. Unlike other investments it is not affected by the political and social events and it is the only reliable source when major economic crisis occurs. If you are a materialistic and pessimist then you go for the physical gold. If you are a conservative and optimistic then go for the gold securities with the self time varying from several months to several years according to the signals of your technical analysis and that of your plan. I hope I have explained perfectly the rules and it is quite simple, effective and applicable to every individual.
buy gold,
how to buy gold,
why to buy gold
Sunday, November 25, 2012
A Better Tips For Buying Gold Part.I
Today we are going to more about the gold. Commodities such as gold, oil or food grains are on the rise in the recent years. The oil price is soaring obviously because of its increasing demand and its scarcity which causes an imbalance between supply and demand. Because of demand raises the prices very quickly. The similar happens in gold also. On one hand the excessive indebtedness of countries and the Currency crisis raise the importance of yellow metal and on the other hand the demand chiefly come from its safe haven of quality and rarity and also the speculation which amplifies the rapid movement of the rare metal.
Then how can we invest in gold? There are three ways to invest in gold. The first and easy one is purchase of physical gold that is the gold bars are the coins etc. The second one is buying gold stocks and the third one is buying gold in “paper”.
Buying of physical gold is of centuries old and is the wide spread traditional one. In this type of investments you can buy a kilo in lot or of five hundred grams or of pellets of lower denomination. Now days you can buy the bullion directly from a specialty shop on the internet or the special counters in our banks. The greater disadvantage in this type of investments is safety. You have to store them somewhere in our home or in safety lockers at your home. Keeping the gold in the safety lockers in the banks are not safe. Let us discuss the reason in some other post later.
The purchase of precious metal is also speculation on gold. The share prices of gold does not always follow the price of the open market. It fully depends on the health of the financial market of that day. In the international market the price of the gold has increased in price around 3.91% from the starting of the year. Usually the precious yellow metal fully depends on the financial market and tends to follow according to the ups and downs of the financial market.
Then how can we invest in gold? There are three ways to invest in gold. The first and easy one is purchase of physical gold that is the gold bars are the coins etc. The second one is buying gold stocks and the third one is buying gold in “paper”.
Buying of physical gold is of centuries old and is the wide spread traditional one. In this type of investments you can buy a kilo in lot or of five hundred grams or of pellets of lower denomination. Now days you can buy the bullion directly from a specialty shop on the internet or the special counters in our banks. The greater disadvantage in this type of investments is safety. You have to store them somewhere in our home or in safety lockers at your home. Keeping the gold in the safety lockers in the banks are not safe. Let us discuss the reason in some other post later.
The purchase of precious metal is also speculation on gold. The share prices of gold does not always follow the price of the open market. It fully depends on the health of the financial market of that day. In the international market the price of the gold has increased in price around 3.91% from the starting of the year. Usually the precious yellow metal fully depends on the financial market and tends to follow according to the ups and downs of the financial market.
buy gold,
how to buy gold,
why to buy gold
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Trading Tips For Beginners
Most of the people physically go to their bank and investing in stocks. But the internet has democratized the stock investment and there are so many online trading services available right now anywhere in the world. They put it at our disposal; interfaces to purchase on a click of our mouse button and thereby increase responsiveness. The support is very important for this kind of virtual accounts. Most of the agencies offer online training and are furnishing stock analysis also. If you are a fresh hand then definitely you should join the forums to gather the user reviews about the market trend and the individual script. Before joining to any of the online trading services you compare the pricing, brokerage fees and other hidden charges. There are expenses that are applied to any order, either a purchase or a sale. Most of the online brokers give you access to different in vehicles, each of these has its own tax and service charges. Select the best which suits you.
There are some specific rules to follow:
Do not invest all your money at a stretch.
Diversify your portfolio in different sectors.
Do not set your goals too high (Don’t be Greedy).
Learn how to make gains by selling even the market is weak.
Keep up to dated in the market news and be responsive to that.
Don’t follow the herd, judge and make your own opinion.
Don’t hesitate to get the expertise suggestions and information.
Most of the people physically go to their
bank and investing in stocks. But the internet has democratized the stock investment
and there are so many online trading services available right now anywhere in
the world. They put it at our disposal; interfaces to purchase on a click of
our mouse button and thereby increase responsiveness. The support is very
important for this kind of virtual accounts. Most of the agencies offer online
training and are furnishing stock analysis also. If you are a fresh hand then definitely
you should join the forums to gather the user reviews about the market trend and
the individual script. Before joining to any of the online trading services you
compare the pricing, brokerage fees and other hidden charges. There are
expenses that are applied to any order, either a purchase or a sale. Most of
the online brokers give you access to different in vehicles, each of these has
its own tax and service charges. Select the best which suits you.
There are some specific rules to follow:
Do not invest all your money at a stretch.
Diversify your portfolio in different
Do not set your goals too high (Don’t be
Learn how to make gains by selling even
the market is weak.
Keep up to dated in the market news and be
responsive to that.
Don’t follow the herd, judge and make your
own opinion.
Don’t hesitate to get the expertise suggestions
and information.
online trading,
stock trading,
stock trading strategy,
trading tips,
trading tips for beginners
Monday, November 19, 2012
Stock Trading Tools
Before venture into share trading you have to know the basics of technical analysis. There three basics in technical analysis. The first and for most one is Japanese candlesticks. The graph of the stock price gives us some information. It rises and falls in a zigzag manner. The main advantage of Japanese candle sticks is, it provide us a direct reading about the psychology of the traders. This can decrypt the price movement over a given unit of time and can infer, in which side the market is in favor of? i.e. in favor of buyer or the seller. To construct a candle stick we have to connect the opening price at the closing of a trading secession usually daily. What we call this as true body if the market is bullish the graph is white and if the trend is bearish the candle will be black. From the color variation we can distinguish whether the market is increasing or decreasing. The extremes of the market session are represented by the thin lines called shadows. Form the different forms of the candlestick we can judge the market trend.
What is interesting is the combination of Japanese candlesticks. For example, assume three Japanese candlesticks in succession, therefore the ‘real body’ is becoming smaller and the shadow is longer and longer. This implies the buyers are losing hand to the sellers and the reversal is going to happen naturally.
Apart from this, for a better trading we need to know the market namely, the areas on which course many buyers appear and where the sellers offload. The support level is the price level which is horizontal where by the market is sufficiently attractive to the current buyer develops.
Resistance is opposite of the support level of prices where the selling price mounts which leads to the decline in the price. The support and a parallel resistor forms a channel, that is why we say buy at support and sell at resistance. A support and a parallel resistor form a channel. It is for this reason that they say you have to buy support and sell resistance.
Other one we should know in the stock market reading is Moving averages. A simple moving average is an arithmetic average of the last x periods. For example a fifty days moving average is equal to the arithmetic average of the last fifties taken daily. It is called moving because in each period the new one replaces the course of the old one and this process continues. When the price breaks to increase the level of the moving average we can say the short term trend is reversing towards the trend is increasing in the medium term. This trend is favorable to the buyer. Conversely, when the price breaks down the level of the moving average, we say the short term trend is reversing towards the trend towards lower medium term which is favorable to the seller.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Don’t Buy Gold!!!
Why should we not buy gold? There are so many reasons not to buy gold. One of the first reasons is that gold does nothing, and it remains in the bank or in our locker. The only reason we are buying gold is that we are very sure that we can sell it to the higher price in future. In very recent article Warren Buffet said that the growing fear of loss and confidence in the market has motivated the practice of buying gold. Since the financial crisis of 2008, the gold prices have continued to climb. The lack of confidence in the global financial markets has let people to want something more concrete that cannot fail has placed gold into that place. As on June 2012 one kg of gold was about 41,525 Euros.
Since the people hoped that future economic policies and the continued push for the progress will make gold as a profit buy. We don’t know when it will plunge. This is a risky game investing in gold. Globally the central banks of each of the county don’t want their people to invest in gold which openly displays how their people reject their paper money and hence they will act swiftly on day or the other. If the trend continues to be volatile then the governments will announce a very debilitating tax on this yellow metal to break the upward movement. If the gold market tend to monotonically increase then it will be good to the investments in stock markets. If the stock markets continue to fall then it will ensure a good appreciation in near future. Since the stock market is unpredictable when compared with the gold trend which followed a significant increase that lead to a bubble.
Most of our readers aware that market is drive by the two namely fear and greed. Now we are in the middle of fear cycle. When it ends the cycle of greed starts immediately. If the gold bubble happens the gold price will fall and people will sell in bulk and they will forced to buy securities and therefore the stock’s price will increase. Hence it is ideal to buy gold as a small portion of our assets.
Since the people hoped that future economic policies and the continued push for the progress will make gold as a profit buy. We don’t know when it will plunge. This is a risky game investing in gold. Globally the central banks of each of the county don’t want their people to invest in gold which openly displays how their people reject their paper money and hence they will act swiftly on day or the other. If the trend continues to be volatile then the governments will announce a very debilitating tax on this yellow metal to break the upward movement. If the gold market tend to monotonically increase then it will be good to the investments in stock markets. If the stock markets continue to fall then it will ensure a good appreciation in near future. Since the stock market is unpredictable when compared with the gold trend which followed a significant increase that lead to a bubble.
Most of our readers aware that market is drive by the two namely fear and greed. Now we are in the middle of fear cycle. When it ends the cycle of greed starts immediately. If the gold bubble happens the gold price will fall and people will sell in bulk and they will forced to buy securities and therefore the stock’s price will increase. Hence it is ideal to buy gold as a small portion of our assets.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
What strategy to be followed in Stock trading?
Generally most of the large traders and share market investors had gained some shots of huge money. It is not a mere coincidence that those rich people are skilled somewhat, the fact is those rich people used the leverage provided by the financial markets. The great people such as Warren Buffet have been followed successful investment strategies which allowed them a great success in the market. Many books have been published about them and their trading secrets and technique and countless of peoples analyzed the secrets of their technique in stock trading.
Apart from them hundreds of thousands of people around the world claim to have the best trading strategy to generate steady gains, if it is so then what is the correct key to wealth? And what is the best investment strategy to follow? Most of the successful personalities give the following tips: Diversity is remarkable investment strategy to follow. This illustrates the fact that it is not a holy grail. Hence we can conclude not a single investment strategy is better than the others, hence we have to shape our personal investment strategy accordingly to move towards the success.
Your own strategy will not be best suited to your fellow trader, hence everyone have to be very comfortable with the technical analysis of the market to tailor his own strategy. The technical analysis helps you to find out the clear picture of the company, their organization, their financial activities and others, their strategies etc. The technical analysis further helps you to predict the future trend in stock price. This kind of approach leads you towards success and success alone. A good investor should have a long term vision but he must be aware of both short term and long term views since both of them have their own merits and de merits. Once you are accustomed with your own technique for successful trading then stick on it and make necessary adjustments now and then if needed and over the time you refine your strategy of trading and knowledge then Success will be at your door steps.
Happy trading!!!
Apart from them hundreds of thousands of people around the world claim to have the best trading strategy to generate steady gains, if it is so then what is the correct key to wealth? And what is the best investment strategy to follow? Most of the successful personalities give the following tips: Diversity is remarkable investment strategy to follow. This illustrates the fact that it is not a holy grail. Hence we can conclude not a single investment strategy is better than the others, hence we have to shape our personal investment strategy accordingly to move towards the success.
Your own strategy will not be best suited to your fellow trader, hence everyone have to be very comfortable with the technical analysis of the market to tailor his own strategy. The technical analysis helps you to find out the clear picture of the company, their organization, their financial activities and others, their strategies etc. The technical analysis further helps you to predict the future trend in stock price. This kind of approach leads you towards success and success alone. A good investor should have a long term vision but he must be aware of both short term and long term views since both of them have their own merits and de merits. Once you are accustomed with your own technique for successful trading then stick on it and make necessary adjustments now and then if needed and over the time you refine your strategy of trading and knowledge then Success will be at your door steps.
Happy trading!!!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Financial deregulation and Housing Bubble
From 2007, the outstanding performance of the financial institutions gave way to the bursting of the housing bubble. Real estate whose fees have a permanent character and recurring such as rental management and property administration resisted but the pace of transactions and starts declined sharply. This has caused an awareness on the part of banks reacted in: Stopping the acquisitions or investments in the real estate sector; Closing some real estate agencies; Restructuring their activities to promote consistency and readability of various trades; In addition, buyers found that they could not (for regulatory or governance) or failed to make the synergies that were announced and anticipated between the Bank's businesses and real estate.
The real estate crisis has significantly slowed the enthusiasm of Banks. However, they must adapt their distribution model to the development of brokers. Indeed, the market share of the brokerage has grown steadily in recent years at the expense of traditional banking channels to locate currently around 22% of loans in Europe. This reflects an underlying trend as evidenced by other European markets where brokers capture 30% market share in Germany, 55% in Spain, 60% in the Benelux and even 66% in Britain. This figure reaches 70% loan in the United States.
Brokers will therefore still snatch market share to banks pocketing pass finder's fees and thereby reducing margins to bankers.
The temptation to control the upstream chain is always present. For this purpose, banks may acquire brokers. However, this strategy undermines the necessary independence of brokers and therefore generates a significant commercial risk (which could partly explain the current difficulties in the online broker). The alternative lies in the implementation of partnerships as do several networks developing funding in areas such as real estate agencies. Some banks even completely integrate the entire chain, from start to finish, offering new "space property" bringing together in one place all relevant interlocutors customers for their real estate projects. These "megastores estate" virtual or physical, may well be the response of banks to prevent erosion.
Financial Deregulation and Mortgage
Since the 1990s, as a result of financial deregulation (elimination of many forms of credit given) and increased competitive pressure, banks have a policy of proactive moderation tariff to maintain their market share and attract customers. The mortgage has become one of the main instruments of conquest and customer loyalty. To compensate for the low profitability of this product appeal, banks have created packages for project acquisition or rental investment. The formulas include, in addition to financing, more profitable products such as insurance homeowners, a guarantee of unpaid rent, a consumer credit to finance the cost of installation or, more recently, and technical diagnostics. However, the innovation supply is not differentiating between institutions as products and services are easily transferable. Banks have sought to decide the level of integration of certain banking and non-banking in the real estate value chain.
Encouraged by economic growth, the most major banking networks have invested or increased their presence in the real estate industry since 1999 in search of new growth. The competition has essentially moved upstream of the value chain: developers and real estate services companies have become prime targets for banks.
Most banks have adopted a strategy of external growth by making acquisitions in the field of promotion and taking position in real estate transactions as well as property management. In fact:
The development sector is supported by a structurally strong demand in contrast to the saturation of the market for retail banking. In a context of rising property prices, the transaction sector has opportunities high income related to the amount of transactions and the sector can also monetize the distribution system through cross-selling. The field of property management has the advantage of generating recurring revenues relatively insensitive to potential downturns because of the captive nature of the clientele. Mapping below shows the result of this current wave of purchase. One can see those mutual banks and especially the largely integrated upstream activities of the value chain.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
California Bank & Trust
California Bank & Trust is between the chief banks in California among more than $10 billion in possessions as well as local offices situated all the way through the state. Establishing as an assemblage of independently possessed banks all through the state, CB&T specially meant for small business owners of California shows a profit meant for above five decades. In addition to they have full fledged through California; by means of unite the receptiveness of a neighborhood bank through the wide ranging services obtainable in most important monetary establishment.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Chemicals investment bank
Hi friends! Today I am going to discuss with you all about an online site at valencegroup.com that is the chemicals investment bank is an expert investment bank contributing M&A recommended services completely to corporations as well as patrons in the chemicals, materials as well as interrelated divisions. Through their numerous years of sector focal point, they include extended open as well as deep operational practice; selling, buying, enterprise, private corporations, business carve-outs, LBOs, administration buy-outs as well as equality of views. Since their panel members have controlled for a lot of years absolutely in these very much dedicated segments, their patrons profit unswervingly from their from the horse's mouth practice of the cost effective, contractual, legal responsibility as well as operational concerns unambiguous to these regions.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Management Consulting
Mandrien Consulting Group is a most excellent advocate of the perception that presently as among natural environment, business networks require to be fair as well as pretty much controlled. While you notice a business that stands out in excellence and service, possibilities are that the business is having a fine implicit as well as evenhanded system. Mandrien Consulting Group greatly make out that a victorious corporation among a controlled network is the end result of premeditated setting up in conjunction with the harmonizing of inner and also peripheral modules. A business system is the totting up of the entire well designed vicinities that are caught up in increasing as well as conveying a proposal to promote.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Public liability insurance
This is a sponsored post.
Australia's finest known source of public liability insurance is CGU. CGU offers a variety of various kinds of insurance that best suits Australians, by means of a good concentrate on business insurance. It is the part of the Insurance Australia Group and also a division of one of the chief general insurance establishments in the nation.
Australia's finest known source of public liability insurance is CGU. CGU offers a variety of various kinds of insurance that best suits Australians, by means of a good concentrate on business insurance. It is the part of the Insurance Australia Group and also a division of one of the chief general insurance establishments in the nation.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
How to Overcome Fear of Money?

In truth this phrase simply means that money is a tool for change, change of life and / or change jobs no matter what! Money has no smell because it has neither quality nor default. It is neither good nor bad, it's what you do, A Food for orphans or weapons to Africa. Fear of money is the fear of success
Know this, money does not come without we mentally prepare for its arrival. What does "prepare for the arrival of the money? “ It simply means that if you do not know what you will do with the extra money you are asking then there is a good chance you unconsciously sabotage yourself. Fear of money, sometimes it's the fear of being happy. The question arises as unconscious as follows: And if my level of happiness does not increase with the level of my bank account?
This fear is real, it can really paralyze you in the quest for more money after all and if ever it were true? And if more money does not mean more happiness in the end it would mean there would be a much more important work to do but make more money. This work is called "return home". The real work is how to associate one or reasons that are considered "good" the fact of wanting more money in the end just do more or better the same reasons that we find good. Money becomes the means and purpose.
Unconsciously this amounts to allow himself to succeed. Financial worries seem less important and at the same time your bank account will show you the numbers you want to see. That's what I mean when I write sometimes see your world as it should be.
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