In addition to information about banking services offered, the campaign is primarily aimed at reconciling the public with a bank somewhat tumultuous past. The thrust of this campaign is the proximity to the client, which is accentuated by the presence of personalities that can relate to the public.
This campaign LCL echoes the concept of advertising sagas very popular with banks and has been for several years as the saga animal or the saga of popular songs. The heart of this strategy is the repetition of messages for the purpose of funding through the public ownership of the characteristics of the saga. Indeed, more than a product, banks sell a brand. The sagas advertising contribute to highlight the image of banks by creating an emotional connection, whether emotional or humorous, with the public.
If households are still the main targets of advertising campaigns for retail banks, however, there is an interest of more and stronger for the youth market, which results in the development of many advertisements. This is the case, for example, BNP Paribas, which has appealed to actors Eric and Ramzy, with its campaign focused on "helping hand". This solicitation is mainly due to the potential in the medium - long-term youth, namely 16-25 years. Indeed, it is at this age that form the first major projects (driver's license, first home ...), all of the credit for the development. The main objective is to develop a relationship over time. However, because of extreme competition, the conquest of the young results in a real war of marketing, resulting in intense communication plans and the introduction of banking products more innovative.
If we can hardly imagine today the end of the bank advertising on traditional media (television, press, radio ...), new media technologies encourage banks to renew their strategy. By winning the French advertising landscape, the Net is very popular among retail banks. Indeed, the Web has attracted over the past five years more than 10% of investment banks and retail are among the first sectors in terms of advertising presence online. The Net is also the location of new innovations in communication as demonstrated by example the concept "If I were a banker" launched by Credit Mutual and allowing the public to issue directly, via a dedicated website, needs in terms of banking services. These new approaches, focusing mainly on the interaction client / bank, pose new challenges to communication faced by banking groups. Moreover, some entities not known to the general public, such as establishments for the management of debt, have understood this opportunity offered by Internet to talk about them. Similarly banks "soft" as ING Direct or credit specialists online as Cofidis continue to develop their advertising strategy and sponsorship on the Web, demonstrate once again the health of the channel and its emergence.