Saturday, April 14, 2012

Consumer credit: assessment of the impacts of the law Lagarde

Within five years, from October 2006 to September 2011, the Bank of France were nearly 1,022,273 records filed with the Debt Commissions, an average of nearly 204,455 cases a year. Trailing 12 months, from October 2010 to September 2011, the caseload is up 6.4%.

Hence the issue of law reform Lagarde on mortgage lending, the consumer credit and the fight against overindebtedness.

But the establishment of this regulatory mechanism has not been neutral for companies to consumer credit.

The High Frequency Trading will not escape regulation

The High Frequency Trading (HFT) has grown considerably in recent years and today represent the AMF according to 90% of orders sent to the market and about 30% of actual transactions in Europe and Further more. The proportions taken by this practice are as worried. While the regulator, after leading an important discussion on these topic proposals currently before the European Parliament that could lead to a new framework for HFT in 2013, French MPs have meanwhile passed a law to tax this type of exchange on February 16.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Management of collateral received: an effective lever to reduce operational and financial risks

Since the financial crisis, banks are facing a major phenomenon: the rise of non-payment of their customers. These faults are both on home loans granted to individuals and businesses as the credits distributed through credit cards for individuals.

In this context, the management process guarantees received has become a key process, acting at the heart of risk management for banks.

Insurers: Find a model of partnership with the profession of agent to better meet the challenges of tomorrow

For many companies, the network of general agents is the main vector distribution. Historically, the General Agent was virtually the only point of contact with customers, prospecting the claims.

The General Agents - unlike employees of the company - are entrepreneurs, who hold a portfolio of contracts and therefore a customer. For twenty years, a number of fundamental context of the distribution of insurance have changed: the appearance and growth of the use of "new" channels (internet, mobile ...), changes in market share (MSI , banks ...), coming into play of new distributors (supermarkets, banks ...).

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Greek private sector can derail the European agreement?

If one agrees to consider that the exchange "voluntary" 206 billion euros of private sector bonds into new bonds to meet with thirty years of acceptance from 75 to 80%, 10-15% of the issue necessary to achieve the 90% level for the operation announced a new dimension. It would appear, according to the Financial Times that the Greek pension funds and funds of the unions would pray. However, they have a thirty billion of Greek sovereign bonds, such as the 15% needed to achieve 90% or more.