Thursday, October 16, 2014

SEC Introduces New Money Market Rules Which Might Deter Investors From Investing

The Securities and Exchange Commission has announced few major changes to its money market fund (also known as MMF) regulation. SEC Chairwoman Mary Jo White had emphasised that these new rules are inculcated with an aim of reducing the risk of runs in the money market funds. The new MMF regulation is expected much needed financial stability in the funds market.

However, the Ms. White’s assertion of reducing the risk factor in money market along with bringing in of financial stability is a highly debatable call from any corner.

Detailed Analysis of the New Money Market Rule

The two major rules announced by the SEC related to MMF are:

  • a. MMFs can charge a certain amount of fee to withdraw your money or they might even delay paying during the times of stress. 
  • b. Second rule allows the share price to change in accordance with the market conditions.
Money Market Funds in general sense are mutual fund with a share price fixed at $1. During the normal and not-so-happening times, the MMF share remains unchanged. Furthermore, MMFs simply invests only in short-term debt which are non-volatile in nature. MMFs also respond to small price changes by adjusting their yield in a dignified manner. But currently we are living in highly unpredictable times with another crisis looming at the horizon. MMFs are also feeling the heat of the moment and bound to face liquidity risk, it is a situation where investors does not buy more as they to sell for raising cash.

Liquidity risk poses a real problem for the borrowers. It basically affects a corporation selling short term debts in order to finance its business operations. At the maturity of each debt contract, the corporation or issuer is expected to sell a new one. If the market sizes up, the corporation could get into big trouble due to lack of investment.

Credit market is often described as a highly unpredictable and volatile where everyone is having it fun until some misses a payment. When they cannot sell up the debt contracts corporation gets into a fix.
How this affects MMFs

This kind of situation is posing a serious threat to the money market funds because they own debts and hold them as their assets. Currently the market value of the MMFs assets are depreciating or falling but their share price is fixed at $1. This simply puts that fund loses more with every redemption. If a large number of redemption is made the remaining investors would end up just holding an empty bag

SEC Comes To Rescue 

Through its second rule, it allows the share price to drop as per market conditions and it saves the investors from the threat o total loss. And with its first rule of imposing penalties it cleverly discourages withdrawals to certain extent.

Through delaying of payments, it prevents the runs, which might occur even with a floating share price and withdrawal penalties. The new rule would come into effect in 60 days, which gives an ample time to the investors to pull their money if they wish to do so.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Common Financial Fears

Common Financial Fears
Maintain the Suitable Way of Life Along with the Effective Monetary Condition 

Leading a happy and peaceful life appears as the significant part that you need to maintain for a better standard of living. So, it is important to sustain the strong financial condition that would fulfill all your requirement.

Problems that You Would Face

Sometimes, you may come to face the situation when you feel the strong necessity for money. It would give rise to the financial worries that may destroy the peace in your life. However, even if you have large amount of resources you may worry that how you would spend them. Also, if you lose your job the you get afraid that you do not have any source of earning. But, you need to overcome such situations sustaining the normal lifestyle.

How to overcome the situation?

You can explore manifold advanced techniques that would help you to get rid of the difficulties along with the positive approaches. If you were not able to get to eliminate the worries, you would face the difficult situations both in social as well as professional life. So, it is important to ascertain to the innovative ways through which you can reach the successful position eliminating the monetary shortfalls. Once, you come out of the difficulties you can explore a new world free from any sort of monetary crisis.

Know the Details of the Monetary Fears Along with the Solutions

Here you can get a clear view of the fears that arise due to the monetary difficulties:

  • Always maintain a good volume of savings that would acts as the source of earning if you lose your job. Alongside, you also need to search for another option from where you can recognize the resources according to your needs.
  • Sometimes, you hear the stories of your close friends or relatives who need the money urgently to save the precious lives. It can give rise to certain type of trauma in your brain. You can overcome such tension knowing the suitable source of the funds. Once, you understand the complete situation you can eliminate the worries returning back to the normal lifestyle.
  • You may be running the shortage of money to carry out all the responsibilities efficiently. In this respect, you need to have a detailed communication with the other members to come out with the optimistic solution.
  • Some people face the huge volume of debt that is really difficult to cope up with. So, you face the tremendous economic pressure and need to search the suitable destinations from where you can receive the valid resolution.
  • Make your children self-sufficient that would help them to increase the source of earning. In this way, you establish a better social life.
  • Finally, you may worry that you are unable to make a good savings. You need to develop an estimate of the entire expenses that would help you to maintain the suitable volume of savings.
Overall, you can get familiar with the types of tensions and the ways that you can utilize to sustain the complete peace of mind.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Precious Metals Will Secure Your Future

Precious Metals
The economy is in upheaval in this difficult time as the world faces instability on every level. From global warming to civil war, nothing is certain. While your financial situation may be stable at this moment, you can never predict when everything will be turned upside down by the next global crisis. You need to be prepared and make an investment in your future. You need to think about precious metals.

Get Peace of Mind with Valuable Metals that You Can Count On

Money is going to fluctuate. That is a simple fact of life. No matter how strong your economy may be at the moment, it can all shift at the slightest upset. You need to learn more about a company like Ensure Haven that deals in gold and silver bullion. Precious metals have universal value across the world. No matter where you go, you are sure to find someplace where you will be able to use your precious metals in exchange for anything that you may need at a given moment. Banks may fail and the dollar may become worthless.

However, precious metal will always hold its value. You can sell it anywhere across the globe and expect to get a good return on your initial investment. Have gold and silver in safekeeping and you can always rest assured that you have something to fall back on when there is a need. Calm your fears and plan for the unexpected with your own savings locked up in precious metals.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Why Non-Salespeople Need to Know How to Sell

Many non-salespeople do not realize that they, too, need to be adept on some level at selling. Whether they have to sell ideas to their superiors at work or convince family members to support their personal choices, they must use some basic skills of persuasion. There is not a need to look for a sign that reads "Get sales coaching here." Non-salespeople just need to know a couple of things that can help even the most timid person win someone over to their positions.

Be helpful

It does not go over when when selling is labeled as selling. People always want to know what it in it for them if they give the support they are being asked to give. New ideas have to be presented to others in a way that shows them the benefit. The best tool in a non-seller's arsenal is the ability to probe for other people's needs. Once they are identified, it is easy to suggest a product, service or change that will meet those needs.

Do not sell

Although sales are a necessary part of life, it seems there are few, if any, people who want to be the target of a sale. Rather than coming off sounding like a sales pitch, it is more genuine to just have a conversation with someone. A skillful pitch is one that never presents itself as a pitch. Instead, it is a relaxing, often entertaining, talk in which the other person reveals much more than he is telling.
When people hear the word sales, they tend to become a bit intimidated and standoffish. They typically prepare themselves to hear something that is not completely honest. Almost every conversation is a sale, though. It is just parading under another name.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Waste Not Want Not

This is the age of information. With so many avenues to pursue this information, such as friends, family, advisors, neighbors, newspapers, TV, reports and more, one of the best ways to find accurate information at a click of a button lies in a search of the Internet. The Internet can also provide information that is less than accurate and may require substantial searching from several sources, but finding a single source regarding several topics and only pertaining to accurate information is the best place to find what’s needed efficiently. For example, Neil Haboush covers a wide range of information located in one central location, such as which documents are important to have, how to make a healthy pizza pie and other information that people need in a pinch. Whichever site is visited, it's important to find the information that's needed. Neil Haboush is one of the Montreal great business man who advocate the importance of Yoga and Meditation to the business class.

Everyone is only given a certain amount of time in the day. This is true for everyone, yet there are some who fully take advantage of their time. The more time is wasted on trivial pursuits, the less time there is for the things people love. This means less time with friends and family, less time on vacation, less time enjoying a sunset and everything else that makes life worth living. This is a hard fact of life. Even if a person is just surfing the Internet, time well spent is time well saved.