This approach processes seek to identify redundancies, gaps, points of blocks. However, the search for sources of operational efficiency should also focus on service delivery to customers, whether operational or project: What are the services provided to date? What are the extensions of the scope that would significantly enhance service delivery and to benefit a greater number of actors (for example by integrating an operation today at the expense of clients)?
We also seek activities that have a characteristic position in relation to the concentrations of three assets:
* Information:
o dealer or a producer of information (focus information)
o interface or distributor of key information (broker positioning information)
* Means:
o holds a treatment capacity of computer or human (average concentration)
* Expertise:
o special expertise (concentration of expertise)
The presence of one of these assets is not enough to be a center of operational efficiency. However, from a couple of them, it will then be possible to change the activity to achieve a complete positioning. For example, concentrations are repositories of information. Develop the application infrastructure to manage this information and strengthen the expertise associated will then disseminate information on a larger scale and with better quality. This significantly raise the value added of the activity management repositories. This concentration of information and make changes to this perspective, therefore this activity subject to the establishment of a center of operational efficiency.
Another complementary approach is possible and easily accessible: mapping generic opportunities for sharing and industrialization will most frequently be used to initiate the search for sources of operational efficiency. This will be considered first and best practices in the sector and identify whether the existing organization is likely to reap the gains quickly.